Read Newmanbrain latest blog publications.
Article featuring Newmanbrain and its fNIRs device THEIA™ (former BrainSpy 28) in the Newspaper Information
Diario Información of Alicante, has made a video report to Professor Joaquín Ibáñez (Newmanbrain Founder and Director of the Project).
February 7, 2019
Newmanbrain, finalist in the IV Innova eVIA Awards for its technology for biomedical use
The spin-off of the UMH Science Park, Newmanbrain, has been chosen as a finalist in the Innova Project category of the IV Innova eVIA Awards Contest.
March 9, 2018
Newmanbrain awarded with the Seal of Excellence 2018 by the European Comission
Newmanbrain received the certificate awarded by the European Commission as the managing institution of Horizon 2020.
February 8, 2018
Newmanbrain in “Innovation in the Valencian Community” forum
The INFORMACIÓN Club Forum, the University of Alicante and Bankia have invited Newmanbrain to the Breakfast-Colloquium dedicated to “Innovation in the Valencian Community”.
November 22, 2017
Newmanbrain and Coralel companies join the Scientific Park UMH
The spin offs Newmanbrain and Coralel have signed the constitution of their companies and join the Scientific Park UMH.
February 9, 2017