AI: the solution to approach the new health challenges – Radio interview to Joaquín Ibáñez, Newmanbrain CSO

In an interview of Carlos Alsina for Onda Cero (popular spanish radio), Dr. Joaquín Ibáñez, Newmanbrain’s Chief Scientific Officer explains our project THEIA™, a portable neuroimaging fNIRs device able to measure brain activity.

During the interview, Dr. Ibáñez will explain how does it work and how can it be aplied in a clinical setting. You can listen to the interview below (from minut 10:30):

Reproducir video acerca de AI: the solution to approach the new health challenges – interview to Joaquín Ibáñez, NMB CSO

Dr. Joaquín Ibáñez (Newmanbrain’s Chief Scientific Officer) and Alicia Heras (Onda Cero Radio)

Source : Onda Cero Radio