
Founded in 2017, Newmanbrain company  was born with the mission of making unbiased cognitive assessment available for mass screening. We wanted to build an accessible and easy to use system that clinicians and patients would “thrive” to use on a daily basis.

After years of research and long days and nights of hard work, we obtained our final stable fNIRS prototype with an optimized design and functionality. In parallel to this hardware optimization, we started to develop a software platform with the purpose of collecting the data from the fNIRS device, depict it in real-time graphs and, finally, perform an AI-powered data analytics pipeline to provide clinicians with a report explaining the patient’s cognitive performance during the task.

Our system allows us to address one of the biggest problems in science today: to correlate the activity of diverse areas of the brain with mental functions (thoughts, emotions, sensations and motor functions). This is a new change of paradigm that will change how professionals evaluate, diagnose and treat different cognitive-related conditions.

Our History

Our History

Brainstorming Session - EUREKAAA!

Our idea could change the whole mental care paradigm.

Literature review about fNIRS.

Starting I+D UMH Physiology department - feasibility of using fNIRS technology.

First Prototype and proofs of concept
Prototypes 2 and 3
Prototypes 2 and 3
Newmanbrain fNIRS prototipe 2

With 2 new PhDs and 2 engineers that incorporated to the Physiology department.

Started developing the registration software
Newmanbrain software beta
fNIRS records
fNIRS records

With the first voluntary patients in the lab.

EEG Technology
Proofs of concept using EEG technology in combination with fNIRS
First Prototype
First stable fNIRS and software prototype
Newmanbrain first stable prototipe
2017 - 2018
NMB established
Newmanbrain company established
Newmanbrain Logo

A spin-off of Miguel Hernandez University.

Assisted to multiple congresses: 2nd International Congress of Psychobiology. 17th National Congress Spanish Neuroscience Society (SENC). I International Congress of Investigation and Intervention.

First increase in share capital.

Framework agreement between UMH, the Institute of Neurosciences and Newmanbrain.

2019 - 2020
INNOVA E-VIA award Social Sanitary Category

IN4 Bankia award "Best Startup".

Memorandum of Understanding (Spanish Hub for Innovation) signed.

First investment round Friends & Family.

Presentation of our fNIRS system in the 27th Healthcare Forum Barcelona 2020.

2021 - 2022
Final Prototype
Final fNIRS Prototype

EU Seal of Excellence.

ENISA participatory loan (Spanish government).

Seed capital with UK-based and US-based fund.

Started CE mark process - IIA medical device classification.

Newmanbrain THEIA fNIRs Portable Device
Clinical Trial


  • Successfully ended a ruled Clinical Trial.
  • Closed bridge round 400k € (convertible notes).
  • Full IP protection by patents.
  • 3 publications in high impact journals.
CE Mark


  • Clinical Trial publication.
  • Demostration in operational enviroments.
  • CE Mark pending approval.
  • Closed bridge round 600k € (convertible notes).

Come visit us

Our headquarters are located in Alicante (Spain).